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Kill for the Land launch announcement


There are two stories to tell.

The first is for marketing buffs. In all my career as a marketing man in the motor industry there was never a story to rival this. I started writing Kill for the Land on January 17 and it was accepted by, available for purchase as an e-book, on April 14, 86 days later. In that time an 84 000 word thriller was written (even more fun than reading it!), edited, an ISBN number obtained from the National Library, a cover designed and the file adapted and accepted by an e-publisher.

The second story is that it is really good – perhaps my most readable story. Adam Geard takes a sabbatical at a remote cottage perched on the flank of the Coetzeeberge, a spur of the Sneeuberg Mountains behind the town of Pearston in the Eastern Cape. It is the most topical story I have written: land claims; farm murders; a corrupt and criminal alliance between politicians and police; and hit squads from the killing fields of Kwazulu-Natal. is selling the book for $8.99. You can access it if you have any ePub reader *. The Kindle listing normally takes about one month, if that is the only reader you have.

* Windows PC/Pocket PC, Mac OS, Apple iPhone/iPod Touch.


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