It’s taken me a while to subject myself to the challenges of the new Nikon mirrorless cameras. Cost, advanced technology and the need to use my older lenses with an adaptor were my main concerns.
I should not have worried. The Z6 is great. Look at the way it handled direct sun in this panoramic scene with the widest setting of the 24-70mm lens.
The next photographs are of close-ups. I shoot on manual, and with the Z6 I use a narrow f-stop, in all cases below set at f22 for maximum depth of field, and the camera chooses the ISO setting (up to 52000!) to give the right light. If that doesn’t work the camera will tell you to adjust for over or under exposure.
The pics are of rabbits pushing up to the wire netting in the hopes of food, a Rinkhals encountered on a trail, the snout of a horse, a dead rodent and a locust.
We hiked the 12km, four and a half hour trail to Langalibalele’s Cave (last done 10 years ago when we were doing the research for my novel For the Love of Frances). Here are some photographs taken en route and two views of the cave.
The last photo blog I did on Bushman’s Nek featured mainly black and white photographs. This is how the Z6 handles this medium – two scenes taken on the trail to the cave, an ostrich and an old tractor.
The final picture is an abstract.
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